First Post!

My name is Andrew. I go by AdventurousAndrew#7499 on Discord, a helper on IB server since August 2019, a mock exam writer and a lover of assessments and teaching. I'm currently studying chemical engineering and fun fact, the nickname Andrew came from my chemistry teacher. I just did a tiny adjustment: making alliterations.

Welcome to my brand new home,!

I blog about mathematics education, useful mathematical resources (at least I hope they are useful anyway) and anything that comes to mind. I'm definitely not as organised as I'd like to be, so it doesn't take too long before my posts go all over the place. All of the materials/resources I post are completely free unless indicated otherwise. However, if you do find my stuff useful and want to share it elsewhere, make sure you cite your source (this website). That's all I can ask for.

As usual, to set the bar high, I'll start with two controversial things about myself:

  • My favourite topic in maths is trigonometry. I can hear people sighing from afar.
  • I absolutely love integration. So beautiful. Especially integration by substitution; you clear a big mess by using a great substitution to make a very intimidating integral more straightforward to solve.

If any of you are interested in education, I highly recommend checking out Adam Boxer's blog (, a chemistry lover, like myself), Craig Barton's podcasts and Mark McCourt's website (
