
Andrew for Hire - A little more about myself!

Hello hello hello! Welcome to the website! If you're here, there's a very good chance you're also in my mocks server . However, if you come from the IB server (I occasionally shared some posts there to get more traffic), you'll see that I have loads to offer. c; If you're interested, please fill out this form:  Andrew's tutoring form . I'll get in touch with you to understand your needs better. Just reach out and I'm more than happy to discuss your particular needs. Group tutoring are also available at a discount, please get in touch! Who am I? I'm currently majoring in Chemical Engineering at McGill, has a passion for assessments (especially maths assessments) and in turn develops a passion for good teaching. I'm a mock exam writer (duh, I have an entire mocks server) since May 2020, writing papers for both AA and AI every exam season. I've been a session leader and occasionally revision organiser on the IB server for some time now. Here...

[AAHL] Complex Numbers (Unit Test v2.3)

Complex numbers is, frankly, quite complex at times. This is arguably one of the hardest topics in the course, so I'd like to expose you to a wide range of questions that may seem challenging at first but they're all within your reach. Enjoy! AAHL: AAHL MS: A couple announcements. (1) We're in the last phase of writing the mocks before the papers are shipped to RShields for proofreading. Details to come, but mark your calendars: the mocks will (probably) take place in early/mid-April, allowing sufficient time to actually mark the submitted scripts and provide feedback on the performance. (2) Be on the lookout for revision sessions on the IB server: as usual, I'll be doing a session on trigonometry. Might split it into two to improve students' attention, idk. It may or may not be recorded. (3) Tutoring slots are still available if you're looking for focused practice before the exams. DM me if you're interested and I'd love to discuss the details with you....

[AAHL][AASL] Trig Functions (Unit Test v2.3)

Hey y'all! Nothing screams Andrew more than ridiculous trig questions. Well fear not, I'm back with the unit tests on trig functions, to be taken right before the almighty trig equations! AASL: AASL MS: AAHL: AAHL MS: Just a little note: if you're interested in tutoring, please don't hesitate to get in touch via Discord @adventurousandrew or the tutoring form . I won't bite, promise. -Andrew

[AAHL][AASL] Quadratics and transformations

Hey y'all! Happy lunar new year for those celebrating it! After a long vacation, I am finally at my laptop to upload the unit tests that I have in the hopper. Today we'll kick off with two tests on quadratics and transformations. As usual, some questions are more challenging than others, and if you're comfortable with all of the questions then you'll most likely get a 7. c: AASL Quadratics: AASL MS: AAHL Transformations: AAHL MS:

[AAHL][AASL] Integration (Unit Test v2.3)

What better way to start the year than a couple unit tests! Today I'm back with two unit tests on Integration! Different from v2.2, HL students only have to take one single test that lasts 90 minutes. The SL papers contain questions on indefinite integrals, u-substitution, definite integrals and area between curves. The HL papers contain questions on all integration techniques and applications. AAHL:   AAHL MS:   AASL:   AASL MS: May the odds be ever in your favour. c:  

[AAHL][AASL] Logarithms (Unit Test v2.3)

Hi y'all! This might be my last post before Christmas. A Christmas wouldn't be the same without a Christmas log.   To celebrate Christmas, here's my gift for y'all. Two sets of tests on logarithmic and exponential functions. AAHL:   AAHL MS:   AASL:   AASL MS: Watch this space, as there will be more exciting things to come next year. I'm thinking of making more content for lower attaining students, which is usually not our demography here, but that might be useful for students who struggle to access help everywhere on Earth. Happy holidays!

[AAHL][AASL] Differentiation (Unit Test v2.3)

Hey y'all! Christmas is right around the corner, and for many finals are quickly approaching. For some unfortunate souls, finals won't take place until mid January. And for DP2, it can be the last time to change your predicted grades. I just have a couple humble tests on differentiation and applications of derivative here today. Very similar structure to v2.2, but arguably a little shorter, giving you some time to breathe. :P Here are the papers! AAHL: AAHL MS: AASL: AASL MS:    As usual, may the odds be ever in your favour and happy holidays! Andrew

[AAHL][AASL] Trig Identities (Unit Test v2.3)

Hey y'all. My love for trigonometric identities just got me all hyped up and make the third round of Version 2 trig identities tests. The content is similar to last time, with a couple more questions for the SL students to give them more opportunities to show off what they want. The HL papers are long and demanding as always. Enjoy! AAHL:   AAHL MS:   AASL:   AASL MS:    

[Random Musings] More on grading systems: compensatory model vs mastery model

Assessment Theory 101: Compensatory vs Mastery Model Hi everyone, This post is more targeted at fellow teachers, tutors and assessment enthusiasts, but of course students are welcome to learn more about the various grading systems. Today's post is on compensatory model vs mastery model. For simplicity, compensatory model is often used in external assessments in many countries, but there's nothing stopping us from adopting the mastery model on end-of-unit assessments in class. To keep it simple, let's consider a short end-of-unit test on logarithms consisting of three topics: use properties of logarithms to simplify expressions solve exponential and logarithmic equations solve modelling problems involving exponential and logarithmic functions Each topic is worth 10 marks, giving a total of 30 marks for the whole paper. The pass mark is 50%, so 15/30 marks. Notice that there's a LOT of paths that would get students to 15/30. To illustrate my point later on, we'll cons...

[AASL][AAHL] Trigonometric relationships (Unit Test v2.2)

Hey y'all. This unit test is long  overdue; I just couldn't find the inspiration to write a decent unit test on trig relationships. The SL version will be uploaded soon; it's mostly identical to the HL paper, maybe one fewer question and lower "grade boundaries". Enjoy! AAHL/AASL Unit Test: AAHL/AASL MS:

[AASL][AAHL] Sequences and Series (Unit Test v2.2)

Hi y'all! N24, your exams are right around the corner. I'll do what I can to help you get the best mark possible, but most of the work falls on your shoulder.  Today I'm back with a unit test on Sequences and Series; it's been a while since I last posted a test on this because I haven't found enough challenging questions when putting together this document. Enjoy! AAHL: AAHL MS:  May the odds be ever in your favour. Andrew