[Announcements] Sept 14th, 2021

Hi y'all.

I haven't been posting here often for a while. Many things are happening at once:

- mocks need to be written (AA done, AI in progress)

- uni already started so I'm trying to find work-life balance

- I'm running out of the tests I've written and I need to find time to write a couple tests with their markschemes.

I can't promise I'll go back to the same posting frequency as before, but you'll still hear from me from various sources.

(1) For those in the IB Discord server, there's a very high chance I'll lead a trig session.

(2) Mocks: dates to be determined, as I'll have to write the papers with their MS then go over them with an examiner.  Some of you already know who I'm referring to. c:

(3) Quickies will be posted every Monday and Thursday. They're basically question sets that are intended to be done in 50 minutes. I try very best to space the practice out, so if you're able to do the set the day I post them that'd be golden. Only available for AA, sorry AI kiddos. AIHL students are more than welcome to use AASL stuff as they should cover similar content.

I might only be able to post once a week starting this week as I'm trying to figure things out. Tests shall arrive every 2-3 weeks; they take a fair amount of time to plan, write the QP,  write the MS and post them on the website.

Seeya next Tuesday (I hope!)

