[AASL][AAHL] Statistics and introduction to probability
Bienvenue à "Tuesday Tests".
Hello hoomans.
Firstly, congrats to all N21 who just took their maths exams (P1/2) yesterday. I hope y'all get the results that reflect your performance on the exam - end of the day, that's what IB should be trying to do anyway. If you aren't satisfied with the papers, remember that nothing is set in stone until all the papers are marked and the grade boundaries are decided. I've heard that the exams are slightly harder than the old syllabus, and the grade boundaries should partially reflect that. If you've done everything to the best of your ability, prior to and on the day of the exam, cut yourself some slack (I know this is difficult because I suffer from it as well), focus on the remaining exams and wait until the results day.
Secondly, welcome back to Tuesday Tests. I know these tests wouldn't be beneficial to N21 students because they cover the basics of statistics and probability which y'all have already mastered. The topics on this test includes the stats portion of the syllabus as well as the start of the probability portion (basic probability, Venn and tree diagrams).
There will be another set of tests on Advanced Probability, don't you worry. If anyone had the pleasure of doing my mocks, they're all too familiar with how much I love probability. :P
Without any further ado,
AAHL Answers
AASL Answers
Notice that the two exams are IDENTICAL, with the only difference being the name of the exam in the headers.
Credit: AdventurousAndrew#7499
N21, good luck with the remaining exams. You got this.
Uni folks, about one more month of sufferin and we'll get a short break!
Stay healthy people.
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