[AAHL][AASL][AIHL] Trigonometric functions - Part 4

We're already halfway through this unit.

This part is known to be pretty challenging, as you're now asked to use everything you've learned in the previous sections to sketch a function or finding the equation of the function.

When I was taught trigonometric functions, this totally freaked me out just due to the sheer amount of stuff you gotta keep in mind, so section 3 was made to give you some practice on the specific skills (finding the period/amplitude/phase change/max/min) prior to tackling this beast.

It also marks the beginning of our all-time fave Drills. You should give yourself 8 minutes, without calculator, to answer the all questions. The drills can be found on the LAST page of this document. Answers to the drills are also in the Answers for this unit.

Credits: AdventurousAndrew#7499
