[AAHL][AASL][AIHL] Trigonometric functions - Part 5

First post in 2022!

Hey there. If you're looking for more trig functions torture fun, hang on tight. Today we'll put the properties of trig functions into solving more realistic problems.

Surprisingly these questions are generally very poorly done, simply because

  • Kids cannot map the relative height on the wheel with the height of the trig functions
  • Kids cannot interpret the properties of trig functions properly because the wordings are bad
  • Kids' understanding of functions is weak, leading to their inability to recognise what to do and what to substitute where
  • and 7749 other reasons.

Here's my two cents that might help y'all to avoid the common misconceptions, especially the second bullet point. You should be very solid at properties of trig functions before reading on.

Credits: AdventurousAndrew#7499 
