[AAHL][AASL] Topic C4 - Trigonometric identities
This is it, ladies and gentlemen.
The last section in the trig quartet.
After brushing it off for 4? 5? months, I've finally sit down and finished this unit.
It's quite a lot of work writing these booklets, so I'd really appreciate if y'all could buy me a coffee here and there.
Every journey has to come to an end, and I'm sad that this is all the trigonometry that IB has to offer. But hey, further down the line you'll learn more ways to prove trig identities (wink wink: complex numbers), which only emphasise the importance of knowing your trig well.
P/S: I'll take a short break, maybe a month or two, cause I'll be travelling. Promise that after the break my brain will be free of clutter - I took a brief break (couple days or so) not writing questions and I'm blown away by my eagerness to come back to it. Be nice to yourself, your friends and your loved ones. Your favourite wolf will be back in August/September!
Credits: AdventurousAndrew#7499 2022
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