[AASL][AAHL] Survival Papers A1
Hey everyone! Over the years it looks like I only have more and more stuff to do. Didn't have much time to help out on Discord, though you can still see me there every now and again. But we're not here today to talk about my apparent absence - I have a series of Survival Papers for you AASL people! These are written in August and early September, prior to the start of my second year at uni. What makes these papers unique? They're mapped to the structure of the Survival Guide! Even more questions for you to practise to secure a 5 on exam day. We have approximately a month before the start of November 22 series, so I'll post two sets of Booster Papers a week on Tuesdays and Fridays . Mark your calendars! Here is the link for the first set, A1: Survival Papers A1 Each paper is worth 50 marks and you should spend no more than 50 minutes on each paper. This timing is consistent with the structure of the new exams - the harder 30 marks will take a fa...