[Advice Column] Research summary: Quality in assessment - the meaning and consequences of standards
Hey y'all! I've been pretty quiet lately - as predicted uni work really caught up with me and I'm constantly running against the clock. This post is NOT intended for students. It's intended for teachers who are interested in different ways of thinking about summative assessments as well as public examinations. We're going big here. That being said, I've finally finished reading one of my favourite papers from Dylan Wiliam, a key figure in assessment research, and spent a bit of time digesting what I've read. The paper is titled "Quality in assessment: The meaning and consequences of standards". It should be available for free, online, on Research Gate, but of course you can get your hands on it elsewhere. This is my first time sharing my research notes with y'all, so let me know how it goes. Instead of making this post dreadfully long, I've put the link to the google docs with the summary here . Enjoy! N23 students: may the odds be ever ...