
Showing posts from January, 2022

[Random Musings] Misconceptions in Probability

Hey y'all. For the last few days, I've seen some students struggling with conditional probability on the IB server. This isn't news or anything; conditional probabilities are usually poorly done overall, especially the SL folks. This post summarises what commonly show up on examiners' reports and how you can avoid it. The concept of probability in IB is ENORMOUS, so I'll just focus on basic probability and combined probability. A solid foundation in this would ensure a good shot at solving the more complex, massive-tree-diagram-wordy-thingy questions. Basics of probability (1) giving answers which were greater than 1 You've probably heard of this statement 283187 times, but it's surprising the number of students who "innocently" report a probability of 2.0 due to a calculation error when dealing with decimals. Honestly. If y'all ever  report a probability greater than 1, I'd leave the room and SCREAM because you didn't pay attention to ...

[AIHL][AISL] Duo: Statistics and intro to Probability and Probability distributions

Hey y'all! Due to not-so-popular demand I'm back with two series of tests for AISL and AIHL. I admit I've ignored the AI folks for a while, and this is my futile attempt to make up for it. c: AIHL Statistics and intro to prob: AIHL Statistics and intro to prob ANSWERS: AISL Statistics and intro to prob: AISL Statistics and intro to prob ANSWERS: AIHL Probability distributions: AIHL Probability distributions ANSWERS: AISL Probability distributions: AISL Probability distributions ANSWERS: Stay safe y'all. If you hate online school or just life  in general, remember that everything will be alright. Love, Andrew Credits:  AdventurousAndrew#7499

[AAHL][AIHL][AASL] Trigonometric functions - Part 7

Here it is, the last part of this module. It is the summary of everything we've done so far, from identifying features to sketching devilish functions. And no way is better than ending this module with MORE questions that y'all can have a go at. Disclaimer, as usual: the questions are inspired by the books I've got my hands on, so it's normal if you find some questions similar to your textbook. The next module on trigonometric equations should be posted soon. I'm still in the process of writing the answers to the questions argh . It's gonna be a good ride. Thanks for tuning in with what I've posted over the last two weeks! Credits: AdventurousAndrew#7499

[AAHL] Trigonometric functions - Part 6

Thi s part of the module is on reciprocal and inverse trig functions, reserved for AAHL students only. From my experience, the IB doesn't ask tricky questions related to reciprocal and inverse trig, considering we haven't covered a lot of trig identities at this stage of the booklet. Consider this some downtime before the big game of trigonometric equations. Preview of next section:  End-of-Module Review and a practice quiz. Credits: AdventurousAndrew#7499

[AAHL][AASL][AIHL] Trigonometric functions - Part 5

First post in 2022! Hey there. If you're looking for more trig functions torture fun, hang on tight. Today we'll put the properties of trig functions into solving more realistic problems. Surprisingly these questions are generally very poorly  done, simply because Kids cannot map the relative height on the wheel with the height of the trig functions Kids cannot interpret the properties of trig functions properly because the wordings are bad Kids' understanding of functions is weak, leading to their inability to recognise what  to do and what to substitute where and 7749 other reasons. Here's my two cents that might help y'all to avoid the common misconceptions, especially the second bullet point. You should be very  solid at properties of trig functions before reading on. Credits:  AdventurousAndrew#7499