
Showing posts from November, 2021

[AAHL][AIHL][AASL][AISL] Sequences and series

This is the first time we have the FULL HOUSE on this website! It's Tuesday and I'm back with FOUR (yes, four) tests this round mainly because they're pretty much identical  for all courses on sequences and series. Even though I do expect that most people have covered this topic by now, including M23s (god I'm old), this should still be a challenging for everyone, especially AISL. I feel kinda bad for not writing a totally different paper for ya, but I'm treating you guys in the same way as the AASL kiddos because the two courses are supposed to be equivalent . Since I'm in the mood to write stuffs, there might  be another post re Optimisation using calculus, something I've had a chance to teach yesterday. This is a poorly done topic most of the time  - so I think my advice can help some people out. Alright, boys and girls and bis and everyone in between, behold. AAHL AAHL Answers AIHL AIHL Answers AASL AASL Answers AISL AISL Answers If you have any question...

[AAHL] Complex numbers

Hi there kiddos! I hope everyone's doing well. The last week was BRUTAL - didn't know how I survived that. That being said, the less time I have to do work, the more willing I am to procrastinate, so I'm glad to report that I finally end the probability streak and move on to everyone's dreaded favourite topic - complex numbers. For AAHL, it is vital  that you know how to work with complex numbers and relate it to other topics such as trigonometric functions, calculus and vectors. AAHL AAHL Answers Good luck y'all. Complex numbers is usually poorly done - if you know what you're doin' you're already ahead of the game. Update:  Answers to Standard 1, Q3 fixed - thanks to the person who pointed it out! :D Enjoy! c:

[AASL][AAHL] Further probability and probability distribution

Hi there kiddos! I'm finally bacc with the second test in probability and probability distributions.  The test is kinda long but you do have enough time if you remain calm and work through the questions at a reasonable pace. As always, the versions are very similar, but the AAHL will have questions on continuous random variables. Over the winter break, I'm planning to write a module on trigonometry. It seems to me that trigonometry is not usually taught well in school, so this is my attempt to make your trigonometry experience a bit better. End of story time. Good luck kiddos - it's already mid-November. AAHL AAHL Answers AASL AASL Answers Credit: AdventurousAndrew#7499

[AASL][AAHL] Statistics and introduction to probability

Bienvenue à "Tuesday Tests". Hello hoomans.  Firstly, congrats to all N21 who just took their maths exams (P1/2) yesterday. I hope y'all get the results that reflect your performance on the exam - end of the day, that's what IB should  be trying to do anyway. If you aren't satisfied with the papers, remember that nothing is set in stone until all the papers are marked and the grade boundaries are decided. I've heard that the exams are slightly harder than the old syllabus, and the grade boundaries should partially reflect that. If you've done everything to the best of your ability, prior to and on the day of the exam, cut yourself some slack (I know this is difficult because I suffer from it as well), focus on the remaining exams and wait until the results day. Secondly, welcome back to Tuesday Tests. I know these tests wouldn't be beneficial to N21 students because they cover the basics of statistics and probability which y'all have already master...