Collection of Resources: Algebruh

A collection of topic tests that I've ever written on the website.

Unit Tests

Occasionally featuring questions from endless inspirational sources.

Answers included.

Version 1

Nombre complexes (AAHL seulement) Complex number. The test is in English, don't worry. Contains some wonderful questions that might require the use of integration.

Logarithms (AASL/AAHL) Logarithmic, exponential and rational functions. Further transformations for AAHL students.

Proofs, binomial and more (AASL/AAHL) A list of miscellaneous topics that don't fit anywhere.

Quadratics (AASL/AAHL) Combined algebra and quadratics - an updated version will arrive soon.

Quadratics (AISL/AIHL) Slightly different from the former because of the emphasis of the courses.

Sequences and series (all four courses) Covering two types of series studied in depth in IB: arithmetic and geometric. Knowledge of logarithms was required if memory serves me.

Version 2

Please note that binomial expansion will now be part of binomial distribution (for positive integer values of the exponent, both AASL and AAHL) or Maclaurin series and differential equations (AAHL only).

Sequences and series (AASL/AAHL) A more general approach to sequences and series.

Logs and exponential (AASL/AAHL) Logs and exponential equations and functions.

Complex numbers (AAHL) Operations with complex numbers, solving equations in the complex plane, de Moivre's theorem and applications

Version 2.2

Second set of tests following the same format as Version 2!

Logs and exponential (AASL/AAHL): Logs and exponential equations and functions.

Sequences and series (v2.2)


Version 2.3

Same quality stuff!

Logs and exponential 

Sequences and series

Complex numbers

Revision Guide:

The entire booklet, from start to finish. This contains all the content in the 4 blogposts.

AASL students are only responsible for sections 1-4.

Section 1.1: Basics of sequences and series with sigma notation. Both arithmetic and geometric sequences and series are covered.

Sections 1.2-1.3: Proofs and laws of indices and logarithms

Sections 1.4-1.5: Binomial expansion and the trio (topics that don't really go further)


Foundations of Algebra: making sure everyone's on the same page. First unit of AA or to be done over the summer.

TWO! unit tests to put what you've learned into practice!

Foundations of Algebra (v1)

Foundations of Algebra (v2)

Foundations of Algebra v2.2 
